Monday, January 24, 2011

please read :)

it has been a while, but i got the chance to blog today. yey.
(cheery disposition)
some realizations came to me while reading a book entitled "the dream giver" by bruce wilkinson
it talks about leaving your comfort zone and realizing your dream but then once you have realized your dream you have to give up to what is most important- the dream giver.

but before that i just need to share this:

a great message had touched me when I had the chance to go to CCF manila last sunday. and it states:

- Honor God, in your every response-
 be responsible with your response

we are proud people, we fight back when we think we are right. we easily get hurt when people criticize and judge us.
this sounds familiar because each and everyone of us has these feelings.
it really hit me, Jesus is just so timing with everything.
 one night, I prayed so hard when I felt that I was not that person I think I was.
we do have our mistakes and one thing that I have learned- Honor God in your every response.

when you know you're wrong, accept it.
Jesus made people who will help you in life- people who are good and those who are bad.
this post I would really like to share because it made quite an impact.
it strengthens me, it gives me light to what's important-
it really does and I thank Jesus for that, hands up!
it was the first time I felt His comfort.
comfort of love and hope.
it just made me cry,
because I felt his love!

I just got so much to share, I may not be as well versed but deep inside my heart, I would like to share His love, Jesus' love to us.
how he does wonders! :)

He is not just there for us in times of our troubles, He is just there, waiting for us to call upon HIM. how amazing He is.
everyday, it seems that he makes me want to be like him more.
letting me realize my dream and for Him to be there, makes all the sense. its not about what I would achieve or please others, its how I will please the dream giver.

we are just a piece of the whole masterpiece.
